Monday, November 15, 2010

Customs, Courtesies, & Marine Corps Events...

There will be events that you and your husband are invited to for many reasons it could be for the entire unit/battalion/ect or a base function. Whether it is announced through email, a flyer or in a formal mailed invitation you will see the desired clothing attire on the invitation. If it is not written specifically call your hostess, FRA (Family Readiness Assistant) or FRO for more detailed information. The Marines will know what to wear because believe me their command will tell them more than once. There are a few options for the women though.

Formal Attire for Ladies: Ankle to Floor length Formal Evening Gowns
Change of Command/Retirement Ceremonies: Attire for Ladies: Dress
California Casual: Consists of Skirt, Shorts or Nice Jeans (no ripped, torn or faded items)
Conservative Casual/Business Casual Attire for Ladies: Crisp Pants, Skirt and Modest Blouse

Depending on where you’re stationed will dictate the above information and can vary from time zone to time zone. Unless it is 120* please do not wear a mini-skirt to a formal event; not only is it against the rules and inappropriate but some senior Marines and wives may call your date/husband out in front of everyone or off to the side and get in trouble because of something that could have been avoided by following the rules.

Make sure that you “repondez s’il vous plait” or RSVP meaning, “please respond” so that the hostess will know how many to account for regarding seating and food. You wouldn’t want to throw a party at your house and invite 40 and only 10 RSVP so you cook for 10 but 50 ends up at your house. So out of good manners and respect for the hostess and command please RSVP! Another big thing at Marine Corps functions is to show up on time. Generally this means 15 minutes before the actual start time to get situated in the room, say your hello’s and find your seat. Do NOT have your cell phone on and if it has to be on for emergencies please put it on vibrate. They typically remind you before any ceremony to turn it off out of respect for others. You do not want to be the one whose phone rings an inappropriate or loud ringtone during colors or other sacred ceremony. You’re husband/date will NOT be very happy with you. Also, when the flag is passing, the National Anthem or Marine Corps Hymn is playing or the Pledge of Allegiance is being said as the spouse or parent of a Marine, it is customary to stand as well and place your hand over your heart.

Formal and Social Marine Corps Events
There are more ceremonies than this but for the most part these are the ones that wives would be invited to and a part of with the exception of Mess Night.  So much contraversy surrounds Mess Night though I had to include it on here.

Change of Commands:
When the commander of a unit changes from one Marine to another, a ceremony is held involving all members of the unit. A parade or formation takes place which pays respects to the outgoing commander and family and formally introduces the incoming commander and the family. After the ceremony, a reception is held in honor of the two commanders.

Dining In:
This is the spouses’ version of Mess Night for NCO’s and up. You must follow a set of rules set by ‘Mr. Vice’. Your Marine will be fined if the rules are broken in any way. The fines are for and in all good fun and any money collected goes towards a unit goal. The traditions in this event are very interesting, make sure you arrive a little early and listen in to hear all of the fun!

Hail and Farewell:
A casual event held at the Officer’s Club or a central location to welcome and say goodbye to the Marines and their families joining or leaving the unit. This event is for NCO's and up.

Marine Corps Birthday Ball:
A formal event filled with the history of the Marine Corps and your unit. It happens typically around November 10th each year. This is another event held with rich tradition, a guest of honor and many ceremonies. Get dressed up like a princess, go get your makeup and hair done, get pictures taken, be charming and enjoy the cocktail hour!

Mess Night:
This is a Marines only event! Toasting, games, dinner and a guest of honor will pass on their knowledge and wisdom to everyone in attendance. I get a lot of ladies asking if it is mandatory or if their husbands are somehow not being truthful about their whereabouts. This is a true and factual event ladies and is very much so mandatory so do not worry too much ladies it is beyond our control no matter how much we complain about them always being at work. We should form a Marine Corps Spouses Mess Night on their Mess Night! LOL!

Roll Call/Memorial Ceremony:
A ceremony held for the family and friends of a Marine who's typically died in combat. You won't get an invitation to this generally; if instructed to do so the FRO may let wives of the battalion know. It is a prayer, the Marine's friends speaking as well as the command giving their condolences to the Marine's family. Most people have seen the pictures of the Marines knelt in prayer in front of a helmet, rifle, dog tags and boots. There is a small ceremony in the field but this is the one with the entire battalion to honor the life of the Marine who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Wetting Down:
This is a social and personal preference event when a Marine is promoted typically starting at SSgt rank. The party is thrown by the Marine(s) being promoted and can be very fun to attend. The rule of thumb is that the party should cost the amount of the new rank’s first pay raise. Families are typically invited and it is held at someone’s house or a housing areas multipurpose room. If not held at someone’s home the Marines have been known to have a nice dinner and then go to a bar.

Unit Meetings:
As stated previously if you want to participate in command sponsored events and assisting the FRO you will be invited to go to meetings held bi-weekly or monthly meetings. This is where the FRO may suggest wife/parent socials, coffee mornings, workout evenings, Jane Wayne Days (where the wives get to put on camo paint and see how the husbands do their daily work routines in a fun female friendly way), baby showers, deployment send offs, care packaging, sponsorships, parent participation, Mass Communication Tool, and just getting together to brainstorm on how to make the unit better for all of the families involved in the unit.

Basically, the Marine Corps lifestyle is a learning experience so soak it all up.  There's alot to learn, do, and participate in.  Enjoy your time in and your Marine.  Lots of retired Marines' wives tell me they miss the moving, crazy training schedules, work hours and the fellow wives bonded by our devotion to our Marines.


  1. haha! too bad this isn't given out to dates for the Marine Corps Birthday

  2. LOL! I KNOW HUH! if they only KNEW how frowned upon they are viewed...I dont understand why they do it. The Marines!

  3. But what do spouses/gfs of the Marines wear to "dining in?" Cocktail dresses? Not ball gowns or anything that fancy, right? Thank you!
